M&A Support

Mergers and acquisitions are critical milestones, paving the way for new growth and opportunities for many organizations.  But with these opportunities come unique HR challenges that require careful navigation. McNeil HR Services has extensive full-cycle HR M&A experience and can provide comprehensive M&A Support to guide you through these complexities, ensuring a seamless and effective transition.

My M&A Support service is specifically designed to tackle these vital areas – Here is how I can help:

  • HR Due Diligence: Conduct in-depth HR due diligence to assess the HR landscape of both the acquiring and target companies. This includes reviewing employee contracts, compensation structures, benefit programs, HR policies and cultural alignment.
  • Integration & Change Management: Thoughtful planning and communicating are the key to a successful transition for one of the most critical value propositions of a deal – the employees. I create an integrated HR M&A transition and communication plan and work closely with the business leaders to ensure a cohesive approach that aligns and is coordinated with the business integration milestones. 
  • Workforce Planning: An essential part of the M&A process is understanding how the merger will affect the workforce. I work with the business on ensuring a thoughtful talent planning and communication strategy is in place, in order to meet important milestones related to talent acquisition, redeployment, or, in some cases, layoffs, ensuring these transitions are handled with empathy & respect.
  • Policy & Program Alignment and Integration: Each company has its unique set of HR compensation and benefit programs as well as HR policies. I conduct a gap analysis and provide recommendations for how to bridge them in order to control costs, realize the value proposition of the deal and create a cohesive framework for a successful post close integration.
  • Change Management and Communication: Effective communication is key during periods of change. I collaborate to create all employee communications as well as a strategic communication plan to keep your employees informed, engaged, and reassured throughout the transition process.
  • Post-Merger Support: My support doesn’t end when the merger is officially complete. I remain available to offer post-merger support, monitoring the newly formed entity to ensure the intended HR strategies are working as planned and making adjustments as needed.